Tuesday 4 January 2011

'Gendered' products

A car: 
For a man this may be a fast sports car that he drives at super speed to show off power. The clothes they wear and the colour of the car would emphasize the masculinity. e.g. a smart suit for authority and power with shades for mystery and and edge. The car would be black/silver to show spohistication and seriousness.

For a woman it would be her getting into a car with all her best frineds having fun with plenty of shopping bags to show what they have been doing. Feminity would be shown through the outifts they wear and the colour of the car e.g. pink.

Bottled Beer:
For a man it would be him in casual clothing to show he is relaxing, in a bar surrounded by freinds having a good time drinking the beer. It would be shown masculine because the enviroment around him would be like an all boy's night out kind of theme; football on a t.v. his mates all around him, noisy and having fun.

For a woman it would be her sitting at home with a few of her friends getting ready to relax enjoying a cosy night in with the bottled beer, her friends, and the t.v. with a good movie on or what ever. It would seem feminine by the atmosphere created around the woman, whether it be outside or inside. feminity would be shown through the girly clothes that she wears, the people that are around her and her surroundings, a clean house a tidy kitchen.

For a man would be advertised as masculine by haing a man running/exercising with a fit physique to show masculinity, corded arms, toned body, lean muscles the whole lot to emphasize he is a real man - in the superficial world. The trainers would be seen as masculine just by being on a man and  by him being healthy.
The enviroment around him would be that of hard working, so in a city or a gym. the colour of the shoe would also affects is gendered outlook. Black, silver, white, blue, masculine seen colours wold indicate what gender it was for. You wouldnt see a man runnnig around in bright magenta trainers would you?

For a woman, feminity would be seen through the outfit she wears, so she would be dressed in feminine sports clothes. the trainers would be automatically feminine just by being on a woman but the enviroment around her can also emphasize the product as being feminine. The colours of the shoe would have an impact on this as well, along with whatever type of design that might be on it. She would be running through a calm tranquil forest training and of healthy physique. 

An Ipod:
An Ipod for a man could be seen as masculine by having him in an all men's bar loaning out his IPod to use as the source of music for the bar. Also it could also be advertised as masculine through sexuality for instance women could be attracted to him because of the gadget itself.

For a woman maybe it could be advertised as feminine by the location she is in and what happens with the prodct. So maybe she could receive it as a present and emphasize the fact that this product is what every woman wants, what every woman should receive because it is meant for women.

Such a product for a man is simple to advertise in the media industry. Sex is a big indicator for what gender a product is made for. Seductive adverts immediately direct you what gender a product is for so a deodorant for a man would be him spraying it on and women begin attracted to him by him smelling nice and not being smelly or unattractive. Simple really and effective, now you know its for a man and what it does.

One for a woman would use the idea that women hate showing white marks so feminity would be shown through the woman being obsessed by how she looks. So a deodorant for a woman could be advertised by her trying on the product and being pleased no white marks show on her outfit, then her strutting away happily in outside in public or at a party or whatever. This obviously shows it is feminine.

Masculinity could be advertised for a man by having him surrounded my his male freinds smoking and not a woman in sight. The way the product is presented would show what gender it was for. So for a cigarette for a man you could have it advertised with him in a relaxed and casual manner as if just hanging out with his male friends.

For a woman it would be her enojoying the company of her female freinds and asking them for a certain type of cigarette that cold be indicated something that only women use. this idea can be emphasized by her clothing, her enivroment in a feminine seen location, like a kitchen, shopping place and so on.

Advertising - Introduction

1.) What is the purpose of advertising?
      The prupose of advertising is to attract new buyers and try to expand media attention and attraction to the company/oraganisatin, it informs or persuads people to buy/donate toward the certain subject the advert is aimed at. Advertising is the use of media to prompt people into buying the product or service and is also to promote the idea of the product itself. It is a way of targetting the audience into demanding more of the goods. The main purpose of advertising nowdays is to sell, sell, sell. Advertising is an easy way to get attention of people and promote your product/service in a way that will stick in people's heads. e.g. slogans, quotes, use of humour or something unusual. Advertising has many purposes thouhg, like informing, persuading, or generally harrassing you to buy their products/services. Advertising is also to influence purchasing behaviour/thoughts of the audience and is a powerful tool.

2.) Three recent advertising campaigns that grabbed my attention and what in particular interested me?
     First advert:
This advert, the Go Compare Car Insurance advert grabs my attention with the use of its irritating slogan. The stupid use of the song is very manipulative as music very often gets stuck in people's minds, especially me, I find. The slogan is not very long and is very repetitive and thus very effective. the concept of the car insurance advert is not interesting or attention grabbing for me, it is the use of media and the way the company has chosen to portray their service that holds my attention. This is a very effective advert that always has me singing along to its stupidity of a slogan. Go compare, go compare ...  ecetera.                                                           

Second Advert: Merlin bbc 1 image not availale could not upload 
           This advert captured my undivided attention. The main reasons because I love watching the series Merlin itself so of course I am interested in news about it. Secondly the advert is full of mystery and loud music and although it has noslogans no quotes it has adventure and action. The advert uses the curiosity and mystery to make you wonder what is going to happen next, it is like a short trailer in the form of an advert promoting the series to be watched and the teasers in the actual advert to be solved. It caught my attention because it used the theme music from Merlin the show and that triggered recognistion in my mind so immediately I wanted to know what the advert was going to say about the show. The concept of it simply being Merlin interested me and the actors grabbed my attention along with the teaser trailers of upcoming show. Also when they advertised the release of Merlin on DVD I was really interested since I already love watching the shows.

Third Advert: Meet the Little Fockers - No image uploaded due to technical diffuculties...
             This advert always catches my attention because it is about a film that many people have watched and it has been recently released. Recent movie adverts always grab my attention like Narnia voyage of the dawn treader. This advert uses humour which really helps it stick in my mind. It uses the tense and funny relationship between the parent and the in-law father in the advert and unless you have watched the previous films will not fully be able to get the humour. Also, the concept of meet the parents Little Fockers attracts my attention for the previous films have been on the parents and their grown up children, so this film is about the newest generation of Fockers. This sparks interest in my mind and makes this advert memorable. The humour and aspect of another release of the Fockers interested me and the funny relationship between in-law and son grabbed my attention.

3.) Did I ever purchase a product because of the advert?
     From my adverts no, I never bought the products however, yes I have bought products because of the adverts. Food is a big weakness for me. I have seen many delicious meals, foods and take-away adverts and they are the only things that actually persuade me to buy them. I love food anyway, but when I see a new type of burger or sauce or meal I just go for it. That is the only thing I ever buy because of the advert, especially pizza. Yummy.