Friday 3 December 2010

Representations and Stereotypes in Advertising

Representations and Stereotypes in Advertising
This is a positive representations in certain and limited ways. This advert shows and demonstrates the interconnected relationship of heterosexual links between the men and women. You can see a woman and man holding one another, a woman with her hand on another woman’s shoulder and has used an even number of men and woman, three each. Another way that they show the positive attitude is that they have used different races and skin tones; from white to black and Hispanic. 
A negative factor to this advert is that there are some subtle stereotypes being reinforced; showing the audience that all women should be beautiful and fit, as in body and should be voluptuous and shapely ; because all the women in the advert are beautiful and have glossy, lovely bodies and seem to be attracted and enticing to men.
                Also the woman in the top right corner appears to be sexually submissive to the man she is leaning against, another stereotype being displayed. There are no props used in adverts, just pictures of the actual product placed in front of the people by computer. The whole advert had an artificial light that shines onto the models. The background is simple and plain making the main focus of the eye on the people and the product that is in the immediate foreground.
                The image has been retouched and airbrushed; the actual models’ skins have been made glossier and shiny, flawless. The target audience is people who are into this product and have a certain branded taste in perfumes.

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